Trust humans to pervert religion and believe into whatever fits their scheme.
Catholics support a homophobic, homosexual, and completely hypocritical church which has molested and abused children for centuries. In Europe the catholic church still has great influence in society even though they are the real antichrist.
Protestants — at least in the States — have perverted human sexuality, support Trump, and a gun policy which kills scores of children. And before I forget, all of them use a smartphone but many still believe God created Earth in 7 days!
They both are part of Christianity and you still think it is a good religion? That’s brave!
Why do you need meaning?
We are born, we live, we die. End of story. What if there is no meaning? Is life unbearable or empty or what? I don’t think so.
Why do we all have to believe in something? Atheists don’t believe in God while Christians believe in God. Not such a big difference between the two from my perspective. What if one doesn’t believe because he sees no reason to? Believing in a God or not is purely academic because there is no way to know one way or other. It has just as much meaning as the question what happens if an irresistible force hits an unmovable object. And now we are back to the word meaning…
Sorry for the generalisation but it is a great way to prove a point.